How can we help?
Here we have collected our most common questions we have seen daily basis to help you for shopping but if you can not find answer here to your problem or question please don't hesitate to contact us again. You can contact us by chat here our site, scroll down and see contact section or by email to hello@lannaclothesdesign.com.
1. Do you do wholesale? Yes we do wholesale. Please contact us by email and we will provide you more information with price list and current fabric catalogs.
2. Where is my order? Depend on the country but most of the countries you can follow up your shipment tracking number by your local post office website. Also you can find more information from our shipping section.
3. Do you do custom sizes? Yes we can do but depend on the sizes. Please contact us hello@lannaclothesdesign.com and we can give you more information.
4. Can I pay credit card? I'm sorry but we can not accept credit card directly as payment method but please note you do not need PayPal account to pay for your items via PayPal. After you have submit your order click check out and choose payment method as PayPal. Scroll down and you will see the option to pay with a credit or debit card without having to sign up for for a PayPal account.
5. Is there custom duties or taxes when shipment arrives? Some countries are more strict than others for custom duties and taxes. I would recommend you to contact your local custom office and ask this questions from them.